If you are looking for information on our clinical programs and services they can be found under the main navigation link titled Programs & Services.

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is a world-class acute healthcare facility. We offer an expansive range of specialist services, and are designated as an academic health sciences centre. As a teaching hospital, TBRHSC is a host training facility for students from NOSM University, as well as other medical schools. Our strategic commitment to research, innovation and learning drives a culture of excellence that has a measurable direct impact on patient care.

The facility itself has gained a worldwide reputation for its award-winning, innovative design. It is not your typical hospital. TBRHSC is architecturally designed to provide a more inviting and less stressful atmosphere for patients, visitors, and staff. TBRHSC is a model of functional design. The most common services are centrally located with complementing services placed as close to each other as possible. TBRHSC is technically advanced. Digital storage systems help make distance irrelevant with instant transfers of digital images (X-rays, MRI, etc.) throughout the Health Sciences Centre network and beyond.

Ultimately, our focus is to provide exceptional care for every patient, every time.

We are always looking for ways to improve our services. If you have any suggestions about how to make your care more effective, please let us know. All comments are kept strictly confidential. Please submit your compliments, concerns or comments at: https://feedback.tbrhsc.net.

We are experiencing impacts on our Inpatient units due to respiratory and influenza-like illnesses. For that reason, we are increasing our masking requirements effective Tuesday, September 26, 2023.

Masking Requirements

As of December 31, 2024 masking will be required on all Inpatient Clinical Units and in the Emergency Department. This masking requirement applies to all staff, professional staff, learners, volunteers and Essential Care Partners/Care Partners (ECPs/CPs). The masking requirements are as follows:

  • 1A Inpatient Units (1A Medicine and 1A Oncology) — ECPs/CPs are required to wear a minimum Level 3 procedure mask at all times.
  • All other Inpatient Units — ECPs/CPs must wear a minimum Level 3 procedure mask when entering a patient’s room and whenever they are unable to maintain six feet of physical distancing standards within the unit. Masking is not required when outside a patient’s room unless you are unable to maintain a physical distance of six feet within a clinical setting.
  • Emergency Department — All Patients and ECPs/CPs accompanying a patient must wear a minimum Level 3 procedure mask at all times.

Our Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) team continuously monitors the need to expand masking requirements based on infection levels and should masking requirements change, they will be communicated broadly.


Know Your Health Care Options

Please be aware of the health care options that are available in our community. In the event of an emergency, always dial 9-1-1.


Health811 is a free, secure and confidential service Ontarians can access 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to receive health advice from a registered nurse, locate local health services and find trusted health information. Ontarians can call 811 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007), chat online or access resources online at ontario.ca/health811.

Health811 can also help Ontarians to find a family doctor or nurse practitioner accepting new patients, offer support to quit smoking and/or a referral for vaping cessation services, nutrition counselling by a registered dietitian, breastfeeding assistance, colorectal cancer screening and refugee health supports all continue to operate.

FIT kits are available through Health811 for eligible Ontarians. A FIT kit can only be requested via phone.

The Health811 service, including the phone line, online chat feature and website, is available in English and French. Translation support is also available in over 200 languages, including Indigenous languages such as Cree, Ojibwe and Inuktitut, through Health811’s phone service.

Health811 is for non-urgent health care information, advice and health service referrals. This service is not a substitute for 911, which should still be used for a medical emergency. Health811 is also not a substitute for regular touchpoints with a health care provider.

On the Health811 website, Ontarians can:

  • Use the online chat feature to talk with a registered nurse, request assistance locating health services and ask general health questions.
  • Check their symptoms with the online symptom assessment tool.
  • Use the online health services directory to search for health services or health providers by keyword, location and specific search filters.
  • Review content about common health concerns and learn more about Health811’s features.