Renal Services

The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre North West Regional Renal Program provides a wide range of services to people living in Northwestern Ontario with kidney disease. This includes education, decision making support and treatment provided in the Multi-Care Kidney Clinic, in the dialysis units, as well as pre and post transplant, and living kidney donation care. The goal is to provide the right care at the right time for our patients, knowing that their needs will change at the different stages of kidney disease.
For that reason, our services are customized to each person’s needs. This page will provide you with a general overview of the Regional Renal Program. The care team within the Renal Program will give you specific information you need to know about your own treatment plan.
Moving Forward
Life with Kidney Disease
Follow the lives of four patients who are living with kidney disease. Mona Hardy, Megan Pashawon, Ron McDonald and Harvey Kakegamic share their stories about diagnosis, living with kidney disease and their treatment choices.