Neurosurgery Outreach

Neurosurgery Education and Outreach Network

The Neurosurgery Education and Outreach Network (NEON) is comprised of Neurosurgery Nurse Educators and Clinical Outreach Specialists/Advanced Practice Practitioners from each neurosurgery centre, supported by hospital administrators. NEON members are dedicated to neurosurgery nursing program implementation and will support system-wide improvements through education and outreach across neurosurgery and non-neurosurgery centres. (NEON Terms of Reference, 2018)

Neurosurgery Guidelines and Education

ÖSSUR Canada


Name Position
Kim Belluz Neurosurgery Outreach Nurse
Emma MacKenzie Neurosurgery Nurse Educator
Victoria LeMay-Stirrup Physician Assistant for Neurosurgery
Chad Johnson Director, Trauma Program, Critical Care & Emergency Services
John Ross Director, Surgical and Ambulatory Services

Contact information

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

Neurosurgery Outreach
Suite 3414 – 980 Oliver Road,
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 6V4
Phone: 807-684-6004, Main hospital line: (807) 684-6000