Role of the Clinical Stroke Nurse

Mallory Karsten and Barry Ducharme, both Clinical Stroke Nurses at TBRHSC, are responsible for providing leadership and coordination through the acute stroke delivery.

What is the main role of the Clinical Stroke Nurse at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC)?

There are currently two Clinical Stroke Nurses at TBRHSC. Mallory Karsten and Barry Ducharme are responsible for providing leadership and coordination through the acute stroke delivery. One of their main roles is to attend Code Strokes called throughout the Hospital to provide support and to ensure timely and smooth transitions throughout the treatment processes.

How do the Clinical Stroke Specialists support patients and families?

 They provide support and education for patients and their family members throughout their entire hospital stay. They work with the interdisciplinary team to coordinate care along the stroke continuum and ensure seamless discharges and transfers. They advocate for their patients and families to ensure appropriate discharge plans and supports are in place.

How do the Clinical Stroke Specialists support quality improvement of stroke care at TBRHSC?

 The Clinical Stroke Specialists are also key members of the Northwestern Ontario Regional Stroke Network (NWORSN). When working in this capacity they evaluate stroke services and work to improve processes of stroke care for all patients and families in Northwestern Ontario. They stay up to date on best practice recommendations and look for ways to integrate them into stroke care.

For more information on some of the ways the NWORSN are supporting Stroke Care please visit