Pocket Talkers Amplify Patient Care
by Communications
Annissea Hopkins from Superior Hearing Centre and Deborah Luby display the Pocket Talkers available to patients and families at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. The personal amplification devices help patients can clearly understand what is said to them during their stay at the hospital.Communication is the way we connect with one another. While many of us take our ability to communicate for granted, Speech and Hearing month (May) reminds us that being able to speak, hear and be heard is much more vital to our everyday lives than most of us realize.
For patients with impaired hearing, clearly understanding medical directions and information can be difficult. To help improve the quality of care, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre has partnered with Superior Hearing Centre to make additional Pocket Talkers – personal amplification devices – available to the patients who need them.
“Pocket Talkers are especially useful in a hospital setting where a patient may not be able to clearly hear and understand directions and information from hospital staff,” explained Deborah Luby, Manager, Medical Unit 2B. “They help staff deliver instructions to a patient or family member, and for families to communicate with the patient.”
Six loaner Pocket Talker units have been provided by Superior Hearing Centre for the Health Sciences Centre staff to use with patients and families. Patients or family members who require use of the device can simply ask their nurse, or contact Superior Hearing Centre.
“We’re very grateful to Superior Hearing Centre for providing these much needed Pocket Talkers,” said Luby. “They will undoubtedly improve the quality of care for our patients.”
For more information about hearing loss, visit www.superiorhearing.ca