As an academic health sciences centre, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is committed to supporting and providing learning opportunities for current and future healthcare providers. We accomplish this through partnerships with the NOSM University, Lakehead University, Confederation College, and the Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute, as well as affiliations with approximately 50 other academic institutions around the world. These relationships have allowed us to support the clinical placement needs of over 1,200 students per year from over 25 disciplines including nursing, lab technology, cardio-respiratory, medicine, social work, and psychology. As an organization, we have many dedicated preceptors who have a passion for teaching and welcome students throughout the year. Learning at the Health Sciences Centre occurs in many different forums and formats. Any day of the week you can find staff, visiting healthcare professionals, professional staff, and learners participating in simulations, in-services, videoconferences, and rounds provided or facilitated by Interprofessional Educators (IPE), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), clinical faculty, preceptors, and other dedicated teachers. In addition, opportunities for specialty certification are provided on a regular basis including NRP, TNCC, ACLS, and NVCI certifications. Academics and Interprofessional Education is dedicated to helping the TBRHSC excel as an academic health sciences centre. We are committed to improving the student experience in our organization, moving to simulation as our model of education and providing tools, resources, and technology to support teaching and learning. Please watch for an expanded area of our website dedicated to Academics and Interprofessional Education. Until then, please contact the Academic Affairs and Interprofessional Education department at (807) 684-6250 where someone will be able to answer any questions you may have.