Building a Quality-Driven Culture
by Maryanne Matthews
Lee Fairclough, Vice President of Quality Improvement, Health Quality Ontario will be the keynote speaker at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute’s joint Annual General Meeting. You’re invited to join the Boards of Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute celebrate another year of success.
This year’s joint Annual General Meeting will focus on quality-driven health care. We’re excited to welcome keynote speaker Lee Fairclough, Vice President of Quality Improvement at Health Quality Ontario. Her presentation will discuss how Health Quality enhances patient experiences and outcomes, and what it takes to ingrain Quality in a health care organization.
Lee is the former Vice President of Strategy, Knowledge Management & Delivery at the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, a national organization responsible for improving cancer control in Canada, after initially joining their executive team to establish the newly created organization. Lee also served as the Director of the first Toronto Regional Cancer Programme, as well as the Director of Informatics and the Clinical Research Unit at Princess Margaret Hospital.
Dr. Stewart Kennedy, Executive Vice President of Medical, Academic and Regional Programs at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre will also present the Hospital’s Quality Health Care Framework which will help assess the care provided against six evidence-based criteria. The framework takes our Patient and Family Centred Care philosophy a step further by involving all people in the health care continuum: patients, families, staff, leaders, administration, partners, and the board.
All are welcome to attend any or all portions of the event:
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
Auditorium A/B (3rd Level)
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm: Annual General Meeting, Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute
3:45 pm – 5:15 pm: Presentations, with Keynote speaker Lee Fairclough
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm: Annual General Meeting, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
Admission is FREE.
If you are unable to join us in person, video conferencing is available through the Ontario Telemedicine Network – OTN, Event #84491544. Visit to log-in.