President & CEO
Message from the President and CEO
It is an honour and privilege to be a part of the team at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (the Hospital) and the Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute (the Health Research Institute). Our strong history and commitment to our Patient and Family Centred Care philosophy constantly reminds us that patients and families are at the centre of everything we do.
Health care in Northwestern Ontario presents tremendous opportunities to innovate, research, teach and learn to strengthen the overall quality, accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency of care for patients and their caregivers. Our commitment is to meet the unique needs of the people we serve, including a growing population of vulnerable and medically complex patients.
Our staff, professional staff, scientists, volunteers, Patient and Family Advisors, learners and donors are with us every step of the way. I am extremely grateful to them all.
Representing the voices of our patients and their families, Patient and Family Advisors (PFAs) ensure that above all else, patients are first. PFAs are involved in activities from program planning and hiring practices, to strategic planning, policy development, and quality improvement.
As an academic health sciences centre, we are proud to support a broad spectrum of learners on their journey to becoming health care professionals. We also have an exciting research agenda that is driven by the Health Research Institute, the research arm of the Hospital. Collaboration between academics, scientists, clinicians, funding agencies and partners helps us develop a truly Northwestern Ontario research program that is patient-centred.
I encourage you to explore our website to learn more about the programs and services available, as well as the plans and projects that will help us become Healthy Together. You can also find our Annual Reports, Quality Improvement Plans, Open Board Meetings documents, news publications and other posted information that describes our successes, challenges and plans.
Our Hospital and Health Research Institute belong to the people of the Northwestern Ontario. I encourage the residents we serve to provide input. When you share feedback about your care, your experience or what you found on this website, you shape the way health care is enhanced in our community. If you have a story to share or a question you want answered, please send us your message.
Dr. Rhonda Crocker Ellacott
President & CEO