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Ontario Expanding Access to Cardiac Care in Thunder Bay

The Ontario government is celebrating a key milestone connecting more people in Thunder Bay and across Northwestern Ontario to life-saving cardiac care by awarding the construction contract and investing over $93 million to build the new Cardiovascular Surgery Program at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre....

Meet Thunder Bay’s First Baby of 2025

It's a girl! Freya Marinoff was born to parents Kescia Yeomans and Noel Marinoff at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre at 1:52 p.m. on January 1st....

Top Publications

Team Spotlight: Hemodialysis Satellite Units

March is Kidney Health Month, and we want to raise awareness about kidney disease and its impact on the people of Northwestern Ontario. Throughout the month, we will be featuring members of the Renal team at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC), and highlight the incredible care they provide for renal patients across our region....

Feature: Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

In 1995, the McKellar General Hospital (first opened in 1903), and the Port Arthur General Hospital (first opened in 1909) merged to become the Thunder Bay Regional Hospital. Originally, the province had intended to refurbish one of the two original hospitals to provide acute care to Northwestern Ontario, following the merger....

Screen for Life Coach Booking Locally Before Regional Tour

Getting screened for cancer can fall to the bottom of your to-do list for many reasons: a busy schedule, accessing a primary care provider, or maybe you’re not sure if it’s even necessary. With the Screen for Life Coach (Coach) parked in various locations around Thunder Bay until the end of March, there’s no better time to check cancer screening...

Temporary Closure of Bear (B1) Parking Lot

Starting Saturday, March 1, the Bear (B1) parking lot at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre will be temporarily closed to accommodate construction of the Cardiovascular Surgery Program....