About our Region
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre serves the people of the North West Local Health Integration Network (NW LHIN).
To view the most recent North West LHIN Environmental Scan, visit North West LHIN Common Environmental Scan
There are five sub-regions in the North West LHIN.
The District of Kenora sub-region contains three Local Health Hubs, including: Dryden, Kenora and Red Lake.
- The population of the District of Kenora sub-region is the second-most populated district in the North West LHIN, with a total population of 45, 835
- The population of the District of Kenora sub-region accounts for 19.4% of the North West LHIN’s total population
- Over half of the sub-region population lives in rural areas (53.5%)
- Approximately one-fifth of the population of District of Kenora sub-region identify as First Nation
- The District of Kenora sub-region has an approximate total area of 54,108 square kilometres
- The District of Rainy River sub-region is the fourth-most populated district in the North West LHIN, with a total population of 20,047
- The District of Rainy River sub-region accounts for 8.5% of the North West LHIN’s total population
- The District of Rainy River sub-region has the highest proportion of adults over the age of sixty-five (65) which accounts for 20.1% of the district population
- The District of Rainy River sub-region has an approximate total area of 15,474 square kilometres
- The District of Thunder Bay sub-region is the fifth-most populated district in the North West LHIN, with a total population of 17,829
- The District of Thunder Bay sub-region accounts for 7.7% of the North West LHIN’s total population
- Rural area residents account for 43.7% of the population in the District of Thunder Bay sub-region
- 10.5% of residents identify as Francophone in the District of Thunder Bay sub-region; the highest proportion resides in Greenstone LHH where 22.2% identify as Francophone
- The District of Thunder Bay sub-region has an approximate total area of 61,215 square kilometres
- The City of Thunder Bay sub-region is the most populated district in the North West LHIN, with a total population of 130,501
- The City of Thunder Bay sub-region accounts for 55.4% of the North West LHIN’s total population
- The City of Thunder Bay has the greatest proportion of working age 20-64 years of age
- The City of Thunder Bay sub-region has the highest proportion of immigrants (9.21%); the second most common language spoken at home is Italian
- The City of Thunder Bay sub-region has an approximate total area of 37,100 square kilometres
- The Northern sub-region is the third-most populated district in the North West LHIN, with a total population of 21,813
- The Northern sub-region accounts for 9.4% of the North West LHIN’s total population
- Over three-quarters (76.9%) of the sub-region population lives in rural areas
- The proportion of residents who self-identify as Indigenous is much higher than in other sub-regions and the broader North West LHIN (77.8%)
- The population in the Northern sub-region has a much higher proportion of children and youth (aged 0-19, 40.6%), and a much lower of proportion of seniors (aged 65 and older, 5.9%) than the total North West LHIN population
- The Northern sub-region has an approximate total area of 290,859 square kilometres