Roaming Education for Staff
by Raiili Pellizzari
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is capturing the interest of staff across the Hospital by bringing the learning to them using an attention grabbing and innovative approach. Brittney McLaughlin, Interprofessional Educator (IPE), and Kristina Visser, Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), have been working together for years, providing education to staff. In November 2023, the education team came together to review their current teaching techniques and outcomes. The goal was to identify how they can make improvements in the delivery of education and training.
After a generous discussion, the concept was right there in black and white. “It started as an idea between our Clinical Nurse Specialists, Interprofessional Educators and Professional Practice Leads,” explains McLaughlin. “We felt that we could do more for staff in terms of bringing learning opportunities to them.”
“We thought, ‘Let’s do some additional roaming education’,” adds Visser. “Not just for the urgent updates, like when there is a new drug protocol, but more of an overarching education plan for the year. The idea eventually blossomed into Roaming Education for Staff (REFS).”
REFS is a three-pronged education and training initiative. The first prong is Roaming Education, where a small group of content experts travel throughout the Hospital to different departments with attention grabbing snacks, followed by a spontaneous education session on the month’s topic of choice.
McLaughlin explains, “Roaming Education is more of a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’, with a few lessons ready to go and based off staff’s needs and interests, we would proceed. Our first month’s topic was Cardiovascular Education. Staff were so engaged and the sessions were very interactive. We ended up covering multiple lessons.”
The second prong is through Lunch and Learns. These were set up with three opportunities throughout the month to join in on this brief but energized quick learn.
The third prong is through on the spot travel to different departments where the REFS team provides simulations by running mock codes.
The early success of the REFS team became known to many and required some overtime. “We had heard from staff that it was important to offer sessions outside of regular office hours,” says Visser. “So we partnered up with our Medical Emergency Team (MET). The MET team helps support the education initiative 24/7 and the REFS team also has come in to provide sessions on evenings, nights and weekends. These are very well attended.”
Additionally, to further support the work, a monthly newsletter containing all the resources and policies referred to for the month’s topic is distributed. “At the end of the day, if we missed somebody, they can refer to that newsletter in their email and get all the information that we have been sharing,” concludes McLaughlin.
Another aspect that is unique about REFS is the content is intended to be inclusive to as many professions as possible. Attendees throughout the month included pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, medical radiation technologists (MRTs), registered respiratory therapists (RRTs), nurses, students, residents, housekeeping and staff from health records.
Throughout the first month of the REFS launch, a total of 426 staff attended education sessions, a number that pleasantly surprised both Visser and McLaughlin.
“We weren’t sure what the uptake would be, and we are endeavouring to make the next sessions just as successful, if not more!” laughs McLaughlin.
Feedback received from staff has been positive, with many expressing appreciation for the REFS team coming to their department. Both Visser and McLaughlin agree that the initiative is evolving and improving as they go and all topics for education are considered – no one is getting penalties for suggestions.
“We are collecting feedback for every initiative and making changes as we go,” remarks Visser. “If staff do have specific requests, we are accommodating them.
“In the end, our goal is to support our staff, provide them with as many opportunities as possible to expand their knowledge, with topics that are interesting to them. In alignment with our strategic priority Staff Experience, we want staff to know that TBRHSC is a place they can grow, work and thrive.”
When you visit, you may see the REFS team doing on the spot education in traditional referee style uniforms.