Application Process
Step 1 – Submit a Project Intake Form to
This step helps the office ensure you are completing the correct REB application now that the Hospital and LU REBs have signed a reciprocity agreement. Information from this form also helps the office determine if a member from the other REB will also review your project (Ad Hoc). The Intake Form can be found on our Forms page.
Step 2 – Determine which REB application to complete
The Research Ethics Office will respond to your submission of the Intake Form and let you know which REB application to complete: TBRHSC or Lakehead University REB Application.
You can use the list below to see how the REB of Record will be determined.
Does the project involve any of the following?
- Personal Health Information held by the hospital?
- Hospital medical facilities or equipment?
- Investigational Product(s)?
- Health-related intervention of health outcomes?
- Medical device(s) requiring investigational testing authorization?
If you answered YES to any of the items, you will likely be asked to complete the TBRHSC REB application. Please still complete Step 1 before you submit an REB application. If you are not sure whether your project involves one of the items please call 807-684-6422 to speak to the Research Ethics Office.
Step 3 – Submit to the appropriate REB
If the hospital REB will be reviewing your project, please log into the ROMEO Researcher Portal and submit your application and documents. Instructions can be found under the ROMEO Researcher Portal tab. Please note that REB Approval and Institutional Authorization are now both obtained from the same combined application. Institutional Authorization is required for any project involving TBRHSC resources (staff, space, patients, data, etc.).
Application Review:
The Research Ethics Board (REB) meets on the 4th Monday of each month, September to June (occasionally altered due to holidays). All researchers are required to submit their application in the Researcher Portal by the first Monday of each month. Please see our submission deadline and meeting schedule for more information. The Research Ethics & Authorization Office screens all applications for clarity and completeness to ensure an efficient review process. The Research Ethics & Authorization Office will contact the applicant regarding the review pathway (delegated or full Board review).The Principal Investigator (PI) may be asked to attend the REB meeting by appointment for approximately 20 minutes to present their proposed project and address questions from the REB.
Please note: If other approvals are required (e.g. Joint Pharmacy and Therapeutics, industry-sponsored contracts, signed research agreements) research may not begin until all approvals/documentation is completed.
It is expected that the Research Ethics Board will make one of the following decisions during the scheduled meeting:
- Approved, no revisions required.
- Minor clarifications/revisions required to be submitted to and approval delegated to the REB Chair.
- Clarifications/revisions required, submission as per the motion of the REB (e.g., review by Chair only, sub-committee of REB, electronic distribution of revisions to entire REB). When revisions are accepted according to the REB motion, approval will be delegated to the REB Chair.
- Major clarifications/revisions requiring resubmission and/or presentation for full board review. Principal Investigator will be asked to attend the next REB meeting.
- Decision deferred, with reason stated.
- Rejected, with reasons stated, and the decision reported to the Board of Directors. Principal Investigator may request reconsideration.
Decisions of the REB will be communicated to the Principal investigator usually within 3 days of the REB meeting. If required, a process for submitting clarifications/revisions will be provided at that time.