Paediatric Outpatient Services
Visiting the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre for outpatient services can be a positive experience or can be challenging for other children/families. The Paediatric Team strives to create a welcoming and kid friendly environment to provide the most positive experience as possible.
Paediatric Outpatient Services provides services to children from infancy up to 17 years including:
- Booked medical assessments and follow-ups by paediatricians
- Preparation for booked CT scans and MRIs
- Paediatric chemotherapy in conjunction with Sick Kids in Toronto or Winnipeg
- Pre-admission visits for paediatric outpatient surgery
- Paediatric outpatient surgery
- Sedation for diagnostic testing this is pre-booked and is arranged through your physician)(
- Booked minor outpatient procedures (for example, newborn circumcisions)
We ask that only parents or primary caregivers accompany your child to his or her appointment to reduce stress and anxiety on your child, and on other patients. Visitors or siblings are asked not to come to the Paediatric Outpatient Services unit. There is limited space at each patient care area.
For More Information
If your child’s physician ordered these tests/procedures listed above, you are encouraged to ask him or her any questions you have about the procedure. The Paediatric Outpatient Team can answer general questions about procedures before your child’s surgery or test and when you arrive at the Health Sciences Centre. Please call 684-6520 to reach the Paediatric Outpatient Department. We have also developed a number of brochures that provide information about some specific procedures (click to download or pick up at Paediatric Outpatient Services)
- What to Do to Get Ready for Your Operation
- What is a CT Scan?
- What is an MRI?
- What is Voiding Cysto-Urethrogram?
For more information, contact:
Amy Halvorsen
Manager, Paediatrics