Notice to Patients- W&C Program Essential Care Partner Guidelines The Women and Children's Program provides a range of services to children and families requiring care in an acute care setting for medical, surgical, or mental health illnesses using a Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) approach. The Program includes the following:
- Maternity Centre
- Labour/Delivery Birthing Unit
- Maternal Newborn Unit
- Neonatal Intensive Care
- Paediatric Inpatient Unit
- Paediatric Outpatient Clinic
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit
Patient Outcomes
- The Paediatric Outpatient unit hosts a visiting Paediatric Cardiology Clinic three times per year, allowing children with cardiac conditions to receive care closer to home;
- Mother and baby are benefiting from an outpatient prenatal smoking cessation program, "Moving On to Being Free," established at the Maternity Centre;
- Using current best practice evidence and intra-professional collaboration, a new protocol was developed and implemented in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) so that pre-term infants and critically ill newborns are provided essential nutritional requirements by intravenous therapy;
- 14 new cardio-respiratory monitors and a central monitoring station allow NICU staff and physicians to monitor and develop treatment plans for sick and pre-term newborns.