Rapid Access Clinic
The Rapid Access Clinic (formerly know as the Regional Joint Assessment Centre) accepts referrals from physicians and nurse practitioners for hip, knee and shoulder pain and dysfunction that is not resolving with non-surgical management. An Advanced Practice Physiotherapist will do a comprehensive assessment in a timely manner to aid in determining your appropriate management pathway. This may include further non-surgical or conservative management or a referral to an orthopaedic surgeon.
The Centralized Intake receives and processes referrals for two different spine programs:
- Spine Referral Program
- Rapid Access Clinic for Low Back Pain (RAC LBP) Program (formerly ISAEC)
The Spine Referral Program accepts referrals for patients that may require surgical consultation for cervical/thoracic/lumbar spine. Cervical and thoracic spine are routed directly to one of the five spine surgeons. Lumbar spine are reviewed and most are provided with a thorough spine assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to provide the patient with education and treatment options as well as screening for which patients would require a surgical consultation. Wait times vary pending each surgeon’s office.
Rapid Access Clinic for Low Back Pain
The RAC LBP Program began as a pilot in 2012. This is now funded by the Ministry of Health and is offered in several sites across the province of Ontario, including at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. The RAC LBP program offers assessment, treatment recommendations with detailed treatment plans, follow up appointment as necessary for 12 months and expedited surgeon consult when necessary. The wait times are monitored and follow the Ministry guidelines for the program with the initial consultation at three to six weeks and surgeon consult wait time only six to eight weeks.
Referral Forms
RAC Low Back Pain Referral Form
Phone: (807) 684-6965
Fax: (844) 497-2445