Rehabilitation Services
Rehabilitation Services provides assessment and treatment for inpatients (and some outpatients) after a traumatic injury or illness, such as an injury from a motor vehicle collision or recovering from stroke. Rehabilitation begins as soon as the patient is able to engage in activity – in some cases, even the same day as surgery or a medical event. Getting patients mobile as quickly as possible increases their chances of regaining as much function as possible.
The primary goal of any rehabilitation program is to improve the patient’s level of function to his or her maximum ability. Since most of our services are provided to inpatients, the rehab they receive here is just the start in many cases. After discharge, patients may require other rehabilitation services through St. Joseph’s Care Group, the LHIN, or another community agency. Where possible, these services will be arranged before the patient is discharged.
Depending on the type of injury, patients will see one or more of the following healthcare professionals:
Our physiotherapists provide mobility assessment and treatment services for a variety of medical conditions to help patients regain mobility, strength, and movement. Physiotherapists can also consult with the patient about creating exercise routines and making health lifestyle changes to help them recover more fully after an illness or injury, and help maximize their level of function for as long as possible into the future.
Note that the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre also offers physiotherapy and other rehab services to knee and hip replacement patients through the Regional Joint Assessment Centre and the Spine Assessment program.
Occupational Therapist
Our occupational therapists help patients with reduced levels of mobility and function maintain as much independence as possible in their daily lives, and/or help caregivers (in-home or at a facility) provide the best care possible. They assess such aspects as the patient’s current living arrangements, can suggest assistive medical devices, and provide help adjusting. Occupational therapists also help with discharge planning.
Kinesiologist/Recreation Therapist
Registered kinesiologists and recreational therapists help in patient recovery by providing therapeutic leisure and exercise activities at the Health Sciences Centre, and post-heart attack care through the Cardiac Rehabilitation and Healthy Lifestyles Program
Speech-Language Pathologist
Our speech-language pathologists work with patients who have difficulty swallowing or communicating as a result of any illness or injury, particularly stroke patients.
For more information about your care (or the care of a family member), please talk directly to your healthcare professional who is working with you, or talk to your primary care provider.