The Screen for Life Coach (Coach) is a mobile cancer screening bus that delivers breast, cervical and colon cancer screening services to more than 75 locations across Northwestern Ontario.


Breast Cancer Screening

As part of Ontario’s Breast Screening Program (OBSP), the Coach offers breast screening mammograms to eligible women, Two-Spirit, trans and nonbinary people ages 40 to 74. People at average risk should be screened every two years with a mammogram.

Cervical Cancer Screening

As part of Ontario’s Cervical Screening Program (OCSP), the Coach offers cervical screening to anyone with a cervix, age 25* to 69, who is or ever has been sexually active. Eligible people should be screened every three years with a Pap test.

*Talk to your health care provider if you are under 25.

Colon Cancer Screening

As part of the ColonCancerCheck Program, the Coach facilitates the delivery of take-home colon cancer screening kits to people, ages of 50 and 74, with no first-degree family history (parent, sibling or child) of colon cancer. People at average risk should be screened every two years with a FIT.