Become a Volunteer

Important message regarding applying to volunteer with us:

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.

Please note that all offers of volunteer service roles at our Hospital shall be conditional upon proof of full vaccination of all required doses of a COVID‑19 vaccine approved by Health Canada.

Volunteers play an important role at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. They enhance the programs and services we offer and assist staff in providing exceptional Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC). These dedicated and loyal volunteers provide service in a number of different areas including reception, administration, greeting, patient care areas, and retail sales.

Some comments from volunteers about their experience:

“I feel my role visiting with patients is especially impactful to those who do not have family or friends coming to visit them.”

“I wondered if I would I be able to make a connection with this patient. We played a board game and, through playing, I was able to connect with them. At the end of our visit, they were so happy. I think it made the patient’s day to be able to interact in a fun way with someone their age.”

“All I can say is volunteering is incredibly rewarding and has helped me realize that small actions have a big impact. I have also met some great friends who are passionate about giving back to their community.”

“It feels good to help people. If you’re looking to give back to your community, I encourage you to give volunteering a try.”

Volunteers Needed

The Transitional Care Unit is currently recruiting volunteers for Friendly Visiting

Learn more here

Things to consider before applying

Volunteering at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre is a serious commitment. Before you apply, we want to make sure that you understand the volunteer role and the requirements of volunteering:

Time Commitment

  • A typical volunteer placement is two to four hours, once per week.
  • The minimum initial commitment is six months.
  • Please note that the majority of our placements occur during weekdays, with fewer placements on evenings and weekends.

Volunteer Roles

  • The volunteer role has certain boundaries and no volunteer role will include any tasks that can legally be performed only by a health care professional (physician, pharmacist, physiotherapist, laboratory technician, etc.). Volunteering will not allow you the opportunity to practice or develop your clinical or technical skills.
  • There are no placements that are specifically designed for medical and/or hospital administration students or graduates to practice their skills.
  • There are some areas of the hospital that do not offer volunteer opportunities. If you have a specific volunteer area in mind, please contact Volunteer Services before completing the application.


  • Respect the mission, vision, and values of Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre;
  • Be at least 16 year of age at the time of application;
  • Due to the customer service nature of volunteering, volunteers must have advanced English communication skills, verbal and written;
  • Be willing to commit to your placement for at least 6 – 12 months;
  • Be able to contribute at least 2 – 4 hours per week;
  • Be professional, reliable, punctual, team-oriented, customer service-oriented;
  • Must agree to a health screening that includes a two-step TB skin test;
  • Abide by the confidentiality and volunteer agreements;
  • Agree to wear a TBRHSC Volunteer ID badge while volunteering.

Application process

You can apply online here: Volunteer Application Form (Online)

Our goal is a diverse and inclusive volunteer force that reflects the communities we serve. We strongly encourage applications from Indigenous persons, women and men, people from racialized communities, visible minorities, persons with disabilities, and people who identify themselves as LGBT to create and sustain a vibrant, healthy, safe and caring community.