COVID-19 Response Fund

The current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic is creating unprecedented challenges. Navigating these unchartered waters may be the most challenging crisis most of us will ever encounter.
Staff at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, from nursing to administration and many more, each has a role to play in caring for patients with COVID-19. The health and safety of each person, be it staff or patient, at the Health Sciences Centre is of utmost importance.
Knowing the importance of health and safety, Impala Canada, through its Lac Des Iles Mine, just north of Thunder Bay, recently made a very generous donation.
“Courageous frontline health care providers are putting their lives on the line every day to care for others. They deserve our support and we are answering the call with a $25,000 gift to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund. From our team to your team, our heartfelt thanks. We all remain in this together,” said Bryan Wilson, General Manager, Lac des Iles Mine.
The Lac Des Iles Mine has been a long-time proud supporter of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation. Many who work at the mine hail from Thunder Bay and area, so making the donation to the COVID-19 Response Fund was an important and easy decision for Impala Canada.
Glenn Craig, President and CEO, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation was jubilant. “A huge thank you to the Impala Canada team! Every day seems to bring a new challenge but also heart-warming demonstrations of people pulling together to get through this pandemic.”
Continued Craig, “This donation will go directly to support our front-line workers who, 24/7, are caring for patients battling COVID-19 here at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.”
More information about how to support the team at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre can be found at