The Role of Social Workers at TBRHSC

Patients may face many issues. That may include stress regarding family, relationships, employment, financial, or addictions. They may also be dealing with physical health crises or issues with housing or homelessness. Social Workers help to provide treatment, support, education counseling, and advocacy, with a focus on building patients’ ability to use new skills to problem solve.
At Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC), there are over 30 social workers who provide support to both inpatients and outpatients on a daily basis. They are regulated health professionals who work with patients alongside their support system (family, friends, colleagues, employers, community agencies, etc), to help develop the best possible plan of care.
As a member of the interdisciplinary team, the social worker is a consultative resource to the staff, patients, family and community.
Social workers at TBRHSC:
- Accept referrals from the patient and/or family, any members of the patient’s health care team and community agencies.
- Work as part of an interdisciplinary team/ on all inpatient units, emergency and renal departments.
- Provide direct services including psychosocial assessments, interventions, counseling, community referrals, education and advocacy.
Referrals May Include:
- Palliative Care- Patient/family require support with emotional and instrumental end of life issues
- Grief/Bereavement
- Coping Skills-with acute or chronic health issues, disability, lifestyle change due to illness
- Traumatic or Violent situations-accidental, physical, emotional, financial abuse
- Addiction-chemical dependency issues, treatment options, community supports
- Long Term Care- assisting with the process to assist patient and families to apply for nursing home
- Psychiatric Illness-depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation/attempts. Psychosocial assessment of patients’ home/family situation required.
- Social situations- assisting with resources for housing, financial income, food resources, counseling in the community, home care, advance care planning, etc.
- All child abuse cases/case alerts
- Case conferences
- Community networking and advocacy
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre is grateful for all the hard working and dedicated Social Workers who help patients and families cope with difficult and stressful situations.