Multi-Faith Sanctuary at Wilson Memorial General Hospital
by the Northwest LHIN
December 15, 2016 marked the Grand Opening of the Multi-Faith Sanctuary at the Wilson Memorial General Hospital site, part of the North of Superior Health Care Group (NOSH). The sanctuary was created to provide a space for families to visit with loved ones undergoing palliative care.
The new space was put in place to serve patients and their families, particularly members of First Nations Communities, who wanted a place to be together with their loved ones. The Sanctuary provides an environment better suited to this important family time than the standard hospital rooms, which are typically too small to allow for many people at one time.
There are currently plans underway to examine the feasibility of having a similar room at the McCausland Hospital site, which is also part of NOSH.
The room was dedicated to the memory of Herb Nabigon, who served on hospital’s board. A mural was also painted in the Sanctuary by Sheldon Tyance, a local First Nations artist.