Our Annual Reports to the Community and a Year in Review provide an overview of patient stories, initiatives, progress updates on our Strategic Plan, and improvements in our delivery of patient care through contributions to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation and in collaboration with the Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute. We are constantly exploring ways to improve accessibility within our Hospital for people with disabilities. Our Accessibility Advisory Team works actively during the year through meetings and internal audits to prepare our annual Accessibility Plan. The Plan evaluates the past year’s accomplishments as well as outlines the course of action for the upcoming year. Our Team utilizes both provincial standards and your comments, concerns and ideas to help shape the annual plan. We invite you to review the Accessibility Plan and welcome any feedback you may have on how we might improve our accessibility.
For the first time in our Hospital’s history, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) has earned a national accreditation level called ‘Accredited with Exemplary Standing’. This assessment of our quality improvement processes and operations is done by Accreditation Canada. It conducted an on-site survey of our organization. We are very proud of everyone who works here and their commitment to quality improvement. The on-site survey was an excellent learning experience and highlighted the ways in which we can make our services better. In an effort to be transparent about our quality improvement processes, we are making our Accreditation Report available . It highlights our successes and opportunities for improvement. If you have any questions about this report, please contact Jennifer Wintermans, Vice President, Quality and Corporate Affairs at Reporting
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) values transparency and accountability to the public. TBRHSC has strived to find a balance of internal equity, external competitiveness and affordability. Appropriate compensation is a key element in attracting and retaining the kind of leaders needed in an Academic Health Sciences Centre with a regional mandate. TBRHSC has an existing policy in place for executive compensation to ensure standardized and appropriate compensation of its executives. TBRHSC's philosophy on compensation includes competitive positioning by targeting a range that is the average of 300 to 500 bed hospitals. In addition to the details of the executive team's contracts, TBRHSC also publicly posts a number of other hospital information lists, such as Expense Reports, Patient Safety Indicators and Public Sector Salary Disclosure TBRHSC continues to build an open, honest, and trusting relationship with the community and always encourages and welcomes patient and community feedback.
The most recent version of the Corporation's Corporate and Professional Staff By-Laws are supplied in Adobe PDF format.