TBRHSC Celebrates Nutrition Month with a 100 Meal Journey
by Maryanne Matthews
Canada’s Food Guide recommends 7 – 10 servings of fruit and vegetables every day for adults. As part of Nutrition Month, TBRHSC’s Eat Well! Committee sold fruit kabobs in the cafeteria so that people could add a serving of fruit to their day. March is Nutrition Month and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is challenging everyone to take a 100 Meal Journey.
“Canadians consume almost 100 meals each month. If everyone just picks one small change, and practices it over the next 100 meals, we would be off to a great start,” explains Mary Ann Porter, Manager of Nutrition and Food Services, TBRHSC. “Eating well can make us feel better, but sometimes it can be overwhelming to change everything all at once. For Nutrition Month, we’re recommending that people make small, healthy changes to how they eat to help them stick with it and create better habits.”
The following nutritional tips are provided by the Dietitians of Canada and are endorsed by the nutrition experts at TBRHSC. They will help you make changes and set goals to succeed in your 100 meal journey:
- Start a 100 Meal Journey today! Pledge to make a small nourishing change and stick with it, one meal at a time.
- Size counts! Package, plate and portion sizes can influence how much you eat. Use smaller plates and bowls for meals.
- Taking a 100 Meal Journey? Get on track with must-have apps from Dietitians of Canada: www.cookspiration.com, www.eatracker.ca, and www.eatipster.com
- Pantry raid! Take stock of your cupboards and add foods to nourish your 100 Meal Journey, such as legumes, dried or canned fruits, canned fish, and whole grains.
- Change your eating environment. Add healthy cues, like a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter.
- Clever cooking! Flavour food with tangy citrus, fresh herbs and fragrant spices. Scrimp on salt.
- Power up your plate! Add nourishing foods, like veggies, fruits, whole grains, milk products and lentils.
- Forget the food court! Pack good food fast with ‘planned extra’ leftovers for lunch.
- Jump-start your day! Power through your morning by eating a good breakfast.
- Trade your treat! Pack nutrient-rich snacks so you can steer clear of the vending machine.
- Swap your sip! Sugary and creamy drinks pack a calorie punch, choose options with no added sugar or lower sugar.
- Add more fibre to your day! Try brown rice or whole wheat pasta instead of white rice or white pasta at least once this week.
- Eat more vegetables! Add a dark green vegetable everyday this week, such as spinach, broccoli, peas, bok choy, or swiss chard.
- Buy in bulk without bulking up. Use small reusable containers to repackage foods into right-sized portions.
- Fuel up! For long-lasting satisfaction, eat fibre- and protein-rich foods.
- Switch up your sip for World Water Day! Add zing to your water with mint, berries, or citrus wedges.
- Eating out? Right-size big portions: split an entrée, skip appetizers or share dessert.
- Manage munchies! Keep treat-type snack foods out of sight so you’ll be less likely to nibble.
- Be wise to portion size with this Dietitian Pro Tip: enjoy lunch away from desktop distractions so you don’t overeat.
- Short on time? Be prepared with nourishing grab ‘n’ go foods, like yogurt, nuts and fruit.
- Tapas anyone? Switch up your supper and serve several veggie-filled finger foods for a relaxing meal.
- Menu minefield! Check restaurant nutrition info online to make better choices.
- Breakfast breakthrough! For a twist on oatmeal, make porridge with barley, lentils or quinoa instead.