Mission Statement
- To promote injury prevention through reality education, enabling youth to recognize risk and make informed choices about activities and behaviors.
- This program explores the dynamic relationship between choice, independence and injury and the impact/outcomes of these dynamics.
Goals and Objectives
To educate and empower youth to recognize risks and make informed, safe choices
- Identify potentially dangerous situations and behaviors through personal testimony, multimedia presentations and active participation
Reduce the incidence of risk related trauma in youth
- Provide youth with positive alternatives and strategies to encourage smart choices
- Expose youth to potential psychological and physical impacts that results from traumatic injury, using reality education
- Encourage youth to directly apply strategies learned at P.A.R.T.Y.
Increase youth’s awareness of personal responsibility for their choices
- Encourage youth to examine their attitudes, decisions, and behaviors
Increase youth’s knowledge of the consequences of injury on quality of life for the individual and the community
- Encourage youth to think about potential loss of family, friends, independence, self-esteem and control of their body as a result of an injury
- Identify the differences between injury recovery and permanent disability
- Expose youth to a variety of disability issues in the community
Promote injury prevention initiatives
- Demonstrate P.A.R.T.Y. Programs’ active participation in promotion of injury prevention initiatives and partnerships at local, provincial, national and international levels