Quit Supports

We are committed to supporting patients, families and staff to be smoke-free while at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.

Being smoke-free is the single best thing you can do to prevent illness and be healthy. Whether you are planning to quit smoking or you have already quit, there are many resources available to help you.

Community Supports:

Smokers’ Helpline – Connect to Quit

Thunder Bay District Health Unit: Smoking, Vaping and Tobacco

  • Free, individual cessation counselling (NRT voucher system available for eligible clients)
  • Take Control: Personal Tobacco-Free Counseling www.tbdhu.com


Visit NWquit.com to find a comprehensive list of smoking cessation help available in Northwestern Ontario.


Your local pharmacist is also part of the integrated healthcare team available to provide valuable support for quitting smoking. Ask them about your smoking cessation needs.