Visiting Hours
Our Patient Family Centred Care Philosophy differentiates between Visitors and Care Partners. We recognize that Visitors and Care Partners are a great resource and comfort to our patient’s which improve quality of life and their experience in care.
Who is a visitor?
A visitor is a guest or family of the patient who have not been identified by the patient as the Care Partner.
What are the Visiting Hours?
Generally, visiting hours are from 10:00 am to 8:30 pm. Due to legislation or patient condition, some patient care areas access to visitation may vary. Quiet and rest time is from 8:30 pm until 10:00 am.
Who is a Care Partner?
Care Partner(s) is identified by the patient, may be a family member, a friend or significant other who provides physical, psychological and/or emotional support.
What are the visiting hours for care partners?
Care Partners are not restricted to the ‘visiting hours’ and have greater access to spend time with patients to support and participate in their care as defined by the patient.
A Care Partner or visitor who is unwell or who has been exposed to an infectious disease is asked not to visit but to consider utilizing other venues to communicate and support the patient, (e.g. designate alternate Care Partner, send notes or emails, telephone, teleconference, or tele-visitation under certain circumstances).