Spiritual and Religious Care / Multi-Faith Centre
Sometimes people simply want someone to talk to about the bigger questions of life and faith, whether they follow a faith tradition or not. The Spiritual Care specialists at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre provide confidential, non-judgmental care and support for all patients and families, regardless of their spiritual beliefs. We are trained to provide spiritual support – or just an ear to listen – when it is needed most.
The Department of Spiritual and Religious Care welcomes spiritual leaders of all faiths to visit patients from their respective faith communities.
The Spiritual Care team provides service that is sensitive to, and respectful of, the diverse expression of spirituality and religion in our community. We serve individuals from all faiths and those with no faith tradition.
Our Multi-Faith Spiritual Centre, located on the 2nd floor, is open 24 hours per day for patient and family use. The Spiritual Centre houses resources for Multi-Faith worship and is also equipped to accommodate rituals such as Smudging and Pipe Ceremonies.
A Sacred Bundle is available for use and can be found in the reception area of the Spiritual and Religious Care office, which is located next to the Mulit-Faith Spiritual Centre. Individuals can request assistance for these services from the Spiritual Care Providers or are welcome to use the Spiritual Centre at their convenience.
You may request a visit from a Spiritual Care Provider by notifying your nurse or calling 684-6236 or 684-6235.
Spiritual Care Provider
Lisa Laitinen-Egbuchulam
Phone: 684-6236
Pager: 624-4422
Email: laitinel@tbh.net
Fax: (807) 684.5831
Spiritual Care Provider
Michael Robinson
Phone: 684-6235
Pager: 624-4828
Email: robinsmi@tbh.net