When a Loved one Dies
During this difficult time, this information may help with some of the decisions that must be made.
Saying Good-bye
Families are welcome to stay at the bedside to say good-bye. If you or your loved one has chosen cremation, this may be the last time that you see them. A bedside service by your own clergy or hospital chaplain may be requested. This should be accommodated within a reasonable period of time (i.e. 1-2 hours)
Staff will inform you if an autopsy is required. Families may also request the physician to arrange an autopsy. Families may be charged for an autopsy they request. Your family physician will provide you with the results.
Organ Donation
Our hospital offers the option of organ donation. If you would like information about organ donation (including eye donation), please ask a member of the health care team or call Trillium Gift of Life at 1-877-363-8456. You can visit them on the web at giftoflife.on.ca or our Be a Donor page at beadonor.ca/tbrhsc.
Air Travel
Most airlines will arrange compassionate travel bookings for immediate family members. Details should be clarified with the airline when making reservations.
Funeral Plans
The hospital staff will request the name of the funeral home or memorial society that you have chosen. If organ donation has been requested there may be a delay, perhaps one day, in funeral plans. The funeral director will need specific information about the deceased to register the death i.e.:
- Social insurance number
- Date and place of birth
- Address
- Mother’s maiden name
- Birth places of parents
- Place of employment
More information for the obituary may be requested by the funeral director. The funeral director will assist you with planning the service, arranging for clergy, notices of death, applications for financial benefits, newspaper announcements and liaison with community services.
Following the Funeral
There may be several agencies and organizations that should be notified. Proof of death certificate may be requested and is available from the funeral home/Memorial Society.
- Estate lawyer
- Banks/Investment Companies to close or change accounts appropriately
- Stores and Credit Card Companies to close accounts
- Government of Canada Income Security Office – to be notified if the deceased was receiving an Old Age Pension or paid into a Canada Pension. A lump sum benefit and/or survivor benefits may be available
- Life Insurance
- Employer – re: pension, insurance plan or spousal benefits
- Automobile Insurance and the Ministry of Transportation if the deceased owned a vehicle
- Local Ministry of Health Office re: Health Card
- Other – Department of Veteran’s Affairs, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
- Revenue Canada within 1 year
- Canada Post will forward mail to another address
- Province of Ontario – if your funeral director has not done so
P.O. Box 4600
189 Red River Road
Thunder Bay ON P7B 1A2
- Counseling Services listed in yellow pages “Marriage, Family & Individual Counsellors”
- Information on Community Services available through Community Information & Referral Centre 807-626-9626
- Family Physician
- Clergy
- Employee Assistance Programs