Health Sciences Centre Fills Board Vacancies

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

On Thursday, June 23, 2016, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Corporation. Three Board of Directors vacancies were filled.

Returning to the Board of Directors for three-year terms are Nadine Doucette and Gerry Munt. Joining the Board for the first time for a three-year term is Matt Simeoni.

Continuing their terms of office on the Board are John Friday, Anita Jean, Dick Mannisto, Georjann Morriseau, Doug Shanks, Grant Walsh and Gary Whitney.

The Board also includes the following ex-officio Directors:
– Jean Bartkowiak, President and CEO (non-voting);
– Dr. Rhonda Crocker Ellacott, Chief Nursing Executive (non-voting);
– Dr. Gordon Porter, Chief of Staff (non-voting);
– Dr. Mark Thibert, President, Professional Staff Association (non-voting);
– Dr. Penny Moody-Corbett, Associate Dean, Research, Northern Ontario School of Medicine (voting).

At the Inaugural meeting of the Board of Directors, held immediately following the AGM, the Officers of the Corporation were elected as follows:

Chair: Nadine Doucette;
– 1st Vice Chair: Grant Walsh (who also chairs the Resource Planning Committee);
– 2nd Vice Chair: Dick Mannisto (who also chairs the Governance and Nomination Committee);
– Treasurer: John Friday (who also chairs the Audit Committee).

Board Quality Committee
Doug Shanks was elected as Chair of the Quality Committee.
The Annual Report was presented and accepted. It can be accessed at:


For more information, contact:

Stephanie Rea
Administrative Assistant
Communications, Indigenous Affairs, and Engagement
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
(807) 684-6010