Covid-19 Information
TBRHSC Outpatient Service Disruption Overview
Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT)
Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT)
Essential services will continue for patients, these will include administration and delivery of medications, support for purchasing groceries and paying bills. Individualized wellness contacts will also continue to be offered.
For more detailed information please call directly.
Contact: 807-684-7980
Brief Intervention Treatment Team (BITT)
Psychology services will be prioritized, and provided via telephone as required.
Contact: 807-684-6430
Cancer Care
Systemic Pre and Post, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Radiation Pre and Post Treatment:
All patients on active treatment will be triaged in accordance to CCO guidelines. All new patient referrals are being triaged in accordance to CCO guidelines. All supportive care appointments will continue via telephone. All Oncology palliative care outpatient appointments will be triaged in accordance to CCO guidelines. All follow up appointments will be done by OTN direct to patient visit or via telephone. Every attempt will be made to avoid delays in your care.
Contact: 807-684-7200
Cardiac Catheterization Lab
The Cardiac Catheterization Lab has resumed normal service. In the event of a resurgence in our region’s COVID-19 activity, we will again look at triaging our non-urgent patients. At that time patients will again be contacted directly if their procedure/test needs to be postponed.
Contact 807-684-6675
Centre for Complex Diabetes Care (CCDC)
To protect our clients, the majority of client appointments will be via telephone. CCDC clinicians are available Monday to Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm.
Contact: 807-684-6944
Community Assistance Stabilization Team (CAST)
Essential services will continue for patients. All other services will be discontinued. No new referrals are being accepted at this time.
Contact: 807-684-6430
Complex Malignant Hematology Clinic
Patients will be triaged in accordance to CCO guidelines, follow up appointments are being done via telephone. Patients can call the direct CMH line to report issues that arise, the need for assessment will be triaged at that time.
Contact: 807-684-6795
COPD/CHF Telehome Program
The COPD/CHF Telehome Program has resumed normal service. In the event of a resurgence in our region’s COVID-19 activity, we may again have to suspend our program and if that occurs we will contact our patients directly.Contact 807-684-6795
Diagnostic Imaging and Cardiorespiratory Departments
Full services in Diagnostic Imaging and Cardiorespiratory have resumed. Patients will be notified of upcoming appointments by letter or telephone call. Urgent referrals will continue to be prioritized and scheduled as appropriate.
Contact 807 684 6384
Forensic Outpatient and Case Management Program
Forensic Outpatient and Case Management Programs are currently providing 100% of pre-COVID services with modifications to reduce the risk of transmission (i.e. masks, hand-washing, physical distancing)
Contact: 807- 684-6453
INR Clinic
The INR Clinic is continuing to provide service. Consultations and appointments will be conducted via telephone, and patients may be directed to Life Labs to have their blood drawn rather than coming to the INR Clinic.
Contact: 807-684-6753
Maternity Centre
Pregnant mothers will be screened for signs/symptoms and/or risk factors for the COVID-19 virus. Please answer honestly. Failed screening will not affect your ability to receive care.
If you have symptoms, or are on self-isolation and need prenatal care, our team will work with you to ensure that you receive the care that you need. Whenever possible, please alert the team to your symptoms in advance of attending any in person appointments.
Some appointments may be performed via telephone or by video rather than in person. In order to maintain physical distancing within the department, you may be asked to wait in your car prior to your appointment. Please ensure that the receptionist has your cell phone number so that we can communicate with you.
Children and Care Partners are not permitted at the Maternity Centre at this time.
If you have questions, please contact us directly. Our hours of operation are 9:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday.Contact: 807-684-6228
Northwestern Ontario Sexual Behaviours Program
Administration of testosterone-suppressing medication will continue.
Contact: 807-684-6453
Paediatric Healthy Living Program
This program has been suspended until further notice.
Contact: 807-684-6058
Paediatric Outpatient Department
Patient screening will occur at the Main Hospital Entrance and again when you arrive at the Paediatric Outpatient department. Please answer the screening questions honestly for both yourself and your child.
Failed screening will not affect your child’s ability to receive care. Our team will work with you to provide the care your child needs. Whenever possible, please alert the team to your child’s symptoms in advance of attending any in person appointments.
At this time, only one parent/guardian may accompany a child to their appointment and the parent/guardian must not have any symptoms. Siblings are not permitted to attend appointments at this time.
If you have any questions regarding your appointment, please contact us directly.Contact: 807-684-6520
Prevention and Screening Services
Clinical Genetics continues to see patients based on triaging of referrals. Most appointments are being managed by video-conference or phone, with some face to face clinics being held with visiting Geneticists.
The Screen for Life Coach has resumed cancer screening services while increasing safety precautions for staff, patients, and communities. The Coach will be traveling to a limited number of communities in Northwestern Ontario from August to November. Patients due for screening have been notified and are asked to book appointments on the Coach at the screening location closest to them.
FIT Positive booking for colonoscopy continues through the Colorectal Diagnostic Assessment Program. Breast Assessment Navigation continues for patient follow-up.
Screening Campaigns and Promotions are currently on hold.
The current session of the WE-Can program is on hold.
Contact: 1-800-461-7031 (please leave a message)
Regional Bariatric Care Centre (RBCC)
Medical Weight Management Program:
All previous classroom sessions are now delivered virtually. Patients will be returning to the clinic for appointments as needed. COVID screening will be done prior to appointments and upon arrival to the clinic
Surgical Program:
All previous classroom sessions are now delivered virtually. Patients will be seen in clinic for preoperative assessments and as needed throughout their postoperative period. Clinicians continue to provide follow up care for all patients via telephone/virtual care and in clinic appointments as needed. COVID screening will be done prior to appointments and upon arrival to the clinic
Paediatric Healthy Living Program:
All new clients will be assessed by the clinicians via telephones, virtually or in the clinic. All previous classroom sessions are now delivered virtually. Clinicians continue to provide follow up care for all patients via telephone/virtual care and in clinic appointments as needed. COVID screening will be done prior to appointments and upon arrival to the clinic.
Rehabilitation and Healthy Lifestyles Program (Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Services)
All current participants and new participants who have had a recent event and who have been referred to the Rehabilitation and Healthy Lifestyles program for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation will be directed to online resourcing through our partner site UHN at, for self-directed learning about risk factor management and next steps post event.
Contact: 807-684-6780
Renal Services
Renal Clinics will be delivered via telephone, face time or telemedicine, and patients will be seen in person as needed. The Hemodialysis Outpatient unit will continue to provide service to patients. For more information related to specific services please call directly.
Multi Care Kidney Clinic: 807-684-6598
Peritoneal Dialysis Unit: 807-684-6155
Home Hemodialysis Unit: 807-684-6159
In Facility Hemodialysis: 807-684-6158
Shared Care at the Fort Willliam Family Health Centre
Social workers will continue to provide counseling services over the telephone for existing clients. Contact: 807-626-1233
Stroke Services
Acute stroke care remains a top priority with ongoing access to stroke care and treatment.
The stroke prevention clinic is open to patients virtually, by phone and with limited in person appointments. All referrals are triaged with urgent patients being prioritized.
Stroke Prevention Clinic: 807-684-6700
Regional Stroke Network 807 684-6702
Surgical Services
As the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre implements its recovery plan, Surgical and Ambulatory Services will resume regular service and operating hours.
Ambulatory Day Care:
Ambulatory Day Care has resumed regular service and operating hours. Patients will be screened at the main entrance of the hospital. Contact: 807-684-6550
Fracture Clinic:
The Fracture Clinic will continue to provide casting services and care for urgent referrals. The Fracture Clinic will contact you if your appointment has been cancelled.
Contact: 807-684-6363
Rehabilitation Services(Physiotherapy):
In order to maintain physical distancing the Rehabilitation Department has resumed limited outpatient services for those patients discharged home with a new hip or knee replacement requiring post operative physiotherapy. Patients will be screened at the main entrance of the hospital. Follow up phone calls will be made as required.
Contact: 807-684- 6270
Pre Admission Clinic:
The Pre Admission Clinic has resumed regular service and operating hours. The Surgeon’s office will contact you to book appointments. Patients will be screened at the main entrance of the hospital. Patients may be required to have a COVID-19 swab completed during their visit and to self isolate afterwards until the day of their procedure.
Endoscopy has resumed regular service and operating hours. Patients will be screened at the main entrance of the hospital. Patients may be required to have a COVID-19 swab completed and results available prior to their procedure. Contact: 807-684-6186
Rapid Access Clinic (Regional Orthopaedic Program):
The Rapid Access Clinic has resumed regular operating hours. In order to maintain physical distancing they may continue to conduct some appointments via telehealth. Patients will be screened prior to their appointment.
Contact: 807-684-6965, or toll free 1-833-706-9417
Operating Room (Elective Surgeries):
The Operating Room has resumed regular service with some extended hours. Patients will be screened at the main entrance of the hospital. Patients may be required to have a COVID-19 swab completed and results available prior to their procedure. The Surgeon’s office will call you to book your surgery. Contact: please call your Surgeons office.
Surgical Day Care:
The Surgical Day Care Department has remained open to care for pre-operative patients and endoscopy patients. Due to physical distancing requirements essential care partners will be limited to inpatient surgery patients only. The physician’s office will contact you to book your endoscopy or surgery.
Contact: 807-684-6186
If you have any questions, please call the related department before coming to the Hospital.
If you are unsure if your appointment has been cancelled, please call the related department before coming to the Hospital.
Telemedicine Program
Telemedicine has resumed all regular services and operating hours. All patients coming in for a telemedicine appointment will be screened at the main entrance of the hospital. Telemedicine also continues to offer virtual care visits to patients and their families. All inquires; please contact Telemedicine at 684-6711 or
Trauma Program (Injury Prevention)
All activities have been suspended until further notice.
Contact: 807-684-7950