Closure of the Bora Laskin COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic
by Marcello Bernardo

Based on high vaccination rates in our community and a significant drop in appointment bookings, the Hospital’s Bora Laskin COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic will be closing on Friday, July 23rd.
All community members who are willing and eligible for COVID-19 vaccines will still be able to get vaccinated in a prompt and timely manner through other community venues. Hospital staff are currently reaching out to any clients with outstanding appointments booked for August and September at the Bora Laskin Clinic in order to reschedule them for next week before the clinic closes, or to redirect them to the Thunder Bay District Health Unit’s Community Vaccination Clinics. For more information about vaccine options, please visit
The operation of the Bora Laskin COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic was an incredible endeavor and its success is a testament to the outstanding efforts of all Hospital staff, professional staff, and volunteers who were involved. Please join us in thanking them for their significant contributions to the health and safety of our community.