Exercise Services

Exercise Services Include

  • Exercise prescription and strategies to reduce aches and pains during pregnancy.
  • FREE group prenatal and postnatal exercise classes.
  • Individualized home exercise plans to match your fitness level
  • Postpartum assessments and help with returning to exercise safely
  • Help for pregnant women and their partners to quit smoking

Prenatal Exercise Classes

Exercise classes are held at the Cardiac Rehabilitation and Healthy Lifestyles Gym in the Health Services Building (1040 Oliver Road) and are facilitated by a registered kinesiologist. Pregnant women can participate free of charge and learn safe exercises during pregnancy. Call our Maternity Centre to register at (807) 684-6228.

Prenatal Fitness
Mondays & Thursdays 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Note: Virtual classes during COVID-19, please contact for more information on joining