Other Community Supports ( Health Care Services)

(For a complete list of healthcare services available in Thunder Bay and District please call 2-1-1 or visit http://search.211north.ca/)


Anishnawbe Mushkiki Aboriginal Health Access Centre
1260 Golf Links Road
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 0A1
Tel: (807) 623-0383
Website: www.mushkiki.com

  • Operates an Aboriginal Community Health Centre.
  • Offers primary health care, clinical services, health examinations, and immunizations.
  • Offers a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects Project to help support women not to drink alcohol during pregnancy so as to avoid Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) birth defects or Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) birth defects.
  • Offers Diabetes treatment and management.
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care-Thunder Bay
200 Anemki Pl
Thunder Bay, ON P7J 1L6
Tel: (807) 623-8511
Toll-Free: 1-800-475-3985
Website: www.dilico.com
  • Provides a range of responsive individual, family and community programs and services for the complete life journey of all Anishinabek people.
  • Cares for the physical health, the mental health and the health of the communities where Anishinabek people live by promoting wellness, preventing illness and trauma, and providing diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.
NorWest Community Health Centre (Thunder Bay)
525 Simpson Street
Thunder Bay, ON P7C 3J6
Tel: (807) 622-8235
Toll Free: 1- 866-357-5454
Website: http://www.norwestchc.org/locations/thunder-bay?location=207
  • Operates as a community-based organization offering primary health care and health promotion programs in areas within the district.
Thunder Bay District Health Unit
999 Balmoral St
Thunder Bay, ON
Main Office: (807) 625-5900
Website: www.tbdhu.com

Immunization Clinic: (807) 625-8346

Sexual Health Clinic: (807) 625-5976

Toll Free: 1-888-294-6630

Clinics open to the public:

  • Routine Immunizations (by appointment)
  • Sexual Health Clinics
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Anonymous HIV Testing
  • Travellers Immunizations (by appointment)
  • Genetic Counselling
  • Flu Shots (by appointment)