Former Hospital Board Chair awarded province’s highest honour
by Communications
Former Hospital Board Chair Angèle Brunelle was awarded the Order of Ontario, the province’s highest honour.Angèle Brunelle became a member of the Board of Directors for Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre in 2002, and served as Chair from 2010 to 2012. Her passion to advance health care for patients and their families was a source of inspiration for her colleagues on the Board, as well as for staff.
In December, Brunelle was awarded the Order of Ontario, the province’s highest honour. It is reserved for Ontarians from all fields of endeavour and backgrounds, whose excellence has left a lasting legacy in the province, Canada and beyond. Members of the Order are a collective of Ontario’s finest citizens, whose contributions have shaped – and continue to shape – the province’s history and place in Canada.
Brunelle’s volunteer service in Northwestern Ontario extends well beyond our Hospital. She has also served on many Boards and committees for other health care and community organizations, advocating for Northwest Ontario’s Francophone community. She is the Director of the l’Acceuil francophone de Thunder Bay.
“Angèle’s passion is nothing short of inspiring,” said Nadine Doucette, Chair of the Hospital’s Board of Directors. “I know I speak on behalf of the many people whose lives have been touched by Angèle’s work when I offer congratulations. This honour is well deserved. Angèle is a credit to our community, and I could not be more proud.”
Brunelle has dedicated her life to promoting Francophone rights in the health and education sectors. She continues to be involved at the Hospital as a member of the Francophone Advisory Committee. Her ongoing guidance, experience and enthusiasm is enhancing experiences for Francophone patients and their families.
Brunelle will be honoured during a ceremony at Queen’s Park in June 2017, when she will receive the Order’s insignia by the Lieutenant Governor as the Queen’s representative. 26 people were appointed to the Order of Ontario in December by Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell.