
Please remember the five simple positive choices (SMARTRISK) that you can make which can potentially prevent you, your family or friends from becoming a trauma patient:

  • Buckle up:  Always wear your seatbelt! Wearing a seatbelt is the single most effective action you can take to protect yourself and the other passengers in a motor vehicle
  • Look first: Stop, think and check out the situation before acting
  • Wear the proper safety equipment for the activity you are involved in
  • Get trained:  Whatever the activity, learn from an expert so you can  identify and manage risks
  • Drive sober:  Don’t drink and drive! Have a plan before you go out!

Here are some safety tips for you and your friends:

  • Consuming alcohol and driving a vehicle is illegal for persons under the age of 21
  • Do not let friends drink and drive
  • Plan ahead-make sure you have a safe plan to get home
  • Do not accept any drinks from someone you do not know.  If you leave a drink, discard it and get a new one
  • Learn the signs of alcohol poisoning and drug intoxication- contact 911 for immediate assistance and treatment
  • Remember to charge your cell phone before you go out
  • Know where you are and where you are going-keep your parent/guardian informed
  • Know where your friends are at all times
  • Trust your instincts-remember,  If you feel uncomfortable or endangered, don’t do what you were thinking of doing!