Educational Events & New Resources

Northwestern Ontario Stroke Rehab Round-up

Fall 2022 Edition (Oct. 2022) – Click hyperlinks for details

A collection of educational events, new resources & more!

Note – some events have associated fees – Funding may be available from the NW Ontario Regional Stroke Network – click HERE to apply

Virtual Education Events – Eastern times listed

Ottawa Stroke summit 2022 Virtual Conference – Friday November 18, 2022, 08:00-16:00

Objectives: Discuss and share supports, strategies, and resources that will improve the care and experiences for persons living with stroke. There are a number of excellent sessions geared to rehab professionals.

See BROCHURE for details Click to REGISTER NOW

Registration closes Nov 17. No refunds after Oct 18. Fees included in brochure, range $30-70.

SPECIAL 9-PART SERIES “STROKE AND THE YOUNG PATIENT” Central South Regional Stroke Network (Oct 2022-Jan 2023)

  • Tuesday, October 18, 2022 12:00 – 13:00, Part 3: Stroke and Pregnancy REGISTER NOW
  • Tuesday October 25, 2022, 12:00 – 13:00, Part 4: Neurocognitive Impacts of Stroke in the Young REGISTER NOW
  • Thursday, November 3, 2022, 12:00 – 13:30, Part 5: Return to Vocations Toolkit REGISTER NOW
  • Thursday, November 17, 2022, 12:00 – 13:00, Part 6: Return to Driving Toolkit REGISTER NOW
  • Thursday, November 24, 2022, 12:00 – 13:00, Part 7: Depression, Emotional Supports and Fatigue Post Stroke REGISTER NOW
  • Thursday, December 8, 2022, 12:00 – 13:00, Part 8: Community Re-Integration Post Stroke Panel REGISTER NOW
  • Thursday, January 12, 2023, 12:00 – 13:00, Part 9: Sexuality Post Stroke REGISTER NOW

Evidence-Informed Practices for Individualized Prescription of Ankle-Foot Orthoses

Thursday, October 20, 2022 from 12 – 2:30 PM EST. Presenter Dr. Kyra Kane Cost $75.00 REGISTER NOW.

Online courses from the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Professional education programs for working healthcare professionals. Microcredential courses are non-credit online short courses (16-30 hours) in specific content areas that run over approximate 6 week time-frames. Topics include Neurorehab, Dysphagia and much more. For more INFORMATION

Save the Date:

Wednesday January 18, 2023. Overview of Executive Function, Memory and Functional Performance – A virtual workshop with Dr. Joan Toglia REGISTRATION COMING SOON

In Person Education Events – Eastern times listed

The following in-person NDT courses are being offered at Back Works in Waterloo by Karen Guha:

  • Managing the “Pusher”: An NDT Perspective on Managing the Individual with Contraversive Pushing Tendencies Post-Stroke – Oct 15, 2022 Registration Form
  • NDT Introductory Course in the Management of Adults with Stroke, Brain Injury and Other Neuromotor Disorders – Nov 5-6, 2022 Registration Form
  • Treating the Individual with Ataxia Using an NDT Approach – Nov 19, 2022 Registration Form
  • Getting Ready to Stand Walk: NDT Workshop in the Management of Adults with Stroke, Brain Injury and Other Neuromotor Disorders – Nov 26, 2022 Registration Form
  • NDTA Approved Advanced Upper Extremity Course – April 21-23, 2023 & May 6-7, 2023 Registration Form
  • November 12 – 13, 2022 Introductory Bobath Course, Toronto. The Study of Human Movement – The Relationship between Postural Control and Functional Movement
    LINK for more information and registration
  • January 23/24 2023 SCA™ (Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia) Core Training workshops at the Aphasia Institute in Toronto. A number of free spots are made available through the Ministry of Health. Names will be added to a Lottery. Successful applicants will be notified.
  • To request a FREE spot Other virtual and in-person Aphasia Institute workshops can be viewed HERE

    Sign-up for Valuable Stroke Information E-mailed Directly to You!

    Online Education

    Clinical Resources

    Click HERE to view current Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Rehab & Recovery

    For Patients & Caregivers

    For more information please contact:
    Esmé French, M.Sc.PT
    Regional Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist,
    Northwestern Ontario Regional Stroke Network
    Medical Centre, 201-984 Oliver Road
    Thunder Bay, ON P7B 7C7
    phone: (807) 684-6498 email:
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