Tell your Stroke Story

Concept image with What is Your Story printed on an old typewriter

The Northwester Ontario Regional Stroke Network wants to hear from you, stroke survivors and caregivers. We will be featuring a Stroke Story in our news section of the website on a regular basis.

“Bringing the human element of stories into healthcare and service improvement programs, we can humanize a healthcare system that is increasingly characterized by targets and checkboxes, audits and statistics. Statistics tell us the system’s experience of the individual, whereas stories tell us the individual’s experience of the system.” Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community: Humanizing Healthcare

The patient’s experience is the most important aspect of service. It is the reason we are all here. The purpose of sharing care experiences is designed to help participants develop an understanding of Patient and Family Centred care by relating personally to the core philosophical concepts, identifying what it is and what it is not. It is an effective way to share knowledge and provide a compelling surrogate experience. When patient stories are shared, they serve as powerful tools for bringing about constructive change.

If you are interested in telling your story, please contact Keli for details towards your story being told.

Keli Cristofaro
Stroke Community Engagement Specialist, NWORSN
684-6468 or

Publishing this article in no way serves as an endorsement from NWO Regional Stroke Network. The NWO Regional Stroke Network does not verify the veracity of information in this item and any views expressed are of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of NWO Regional Stroke Network​