Canadian Stroke Congress 2016 – Canada’s best and brightest minds

Quebec City

Canadian Stroke Congress brings together Canada’s best and brightest minds in stroke research, prevention, care and recovery. This year will be the seventh Canadian Stroke Congress.

The Canadian Stroke Congress is Canada’s primary event in Canadian stroke research and clinical applications. A uniquely Canadian forum, this is your opportunity to share ideas, collaborate, and learn about innovation in stroke prevention, treatment, and recovery. Learn from leading experts through presentations, interactive workshops, lively debates, and more.

Canadian Stroke Congress 2016 is held on September 15-17 in Quebec City, Quebec City Convention Center

For conference details go to

Funding is available to support attendance to the Canadian Stroke Congress.  This funding opportunity is open to health care providers working with people with stroke/TIA in Northwestern Ontario.

The Canadian Stroke Congress is a uniquely Canadian forum in which participants reflecting “bench-to-bedside-to-community” perspectives of stroke can exchange ideas, collaborate, and learn about innovation in stroke prevention, treatment, and recovery.

To complete an application for funding, click on this link. or the link to the funding application is available on the NWO Regional Stroke Network website On the landing page, click on the link in the section “Education and Events”, then click on the tab on the left hand side of the page. (Titled “The Northwestern Ontario Regional Stroke Network Education Fund”)

The application deadline is Wednesday, June 29th.

Successful applicants will be notified by email by Thursday, June 30th.

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