A Canoe Trip Cut Short: Jacqueline Boileau shares her story with one of our stakeholders: Ornge

On June 30, 2018, Jacqueline Boileau set out on a week-long canoe trip into Quetico Park with her partner Jim and dog Rosie. It was incredibly hot and humid across the province around this time and Jacqueline says she was working hard to keep hydrated as they began their trip through a new section of the Park they hadn’t yet visited.

Though, less than 48 hours into their planned holiday, Jacqueline had to be transported by Ornge after falling ill:

“I heard the chopper overhead, circling and circling…and then we heard them set down about a kilometer away. I crawled out of the tent, wearing a shirt and shorts. No socks. No shoes. No glasses. I was crawling for my life.”

Jacqueline took the time to share her story with Ornge.

Ornge Patient Shares Her Story

Thank you to Ornge for sharing stories such as these to help guide our excellent care in NWO even with various geographical challenges. This story is not stroke specific yet as any person can related, if you were experiencing stroke like symptoms, the situation that Jacqueline experienced could be very similar. Ornge is a valuable stakeholder in Stroke Care in NWO and continues to support our system optimization in Stroke.

Publishing this article in no way serves as an endorsement from NWO Regional Stroke Network. The NWO Regional Stroke Network does not verify the veracity of information in this item and any views expressed are of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of NWO Regional Stroke Network​