TBRHSC Grand Opening

2004 – TBRHSC Grand Opening

On February 22, 2004, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre welcomed its first patient, Doris Sparks. One-hundred years of healthcare tradition changed at that welcoming ceremony. Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre combined the services of the McKellar General...
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2005 – Opening of Tbaytel Tamarack House

On March 17, 2005 the Regional Cancer Care Program and the Northern Cancer Research Foundation, now Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation, announced the opening of the TBayTel Tamarack House, a “home away from home” for regional cancer patients.
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2006 – TBRHSC is Designated an Academic Health Sciences Centre

In 2006, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care formally recognized TBRHSC as a Group A (teaching hospital) under 32.1 (1) of the Public Hospitals Act and moved from being a respected community hospital to establishing itself as a leader among academic health sciences centres.
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2007 – First Northwestern Ontario Angioplasty Patients at TBRHSC

In October 2007, the new Angioplasty Program was introduced and the first six patients received stents at TBRHSC, one of whom was John Fevez. By 2012, our cardiac catheterization labs had cared for over 2000 patients since the first angioplasty procedure was performed in...
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2008 – First “Home Hemodialysis” Patients

Tom Smude became TBRHSC’s first “Home Hemodialysis” patient. Tom was trained to do his own dialysis using a machine and a specially designed water purification system. Tom says the freedom to clean his own blood is like providing a new lease on life. “I can plan my days to be...
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2009 –  Launch of Patient and Family Centred Care

The Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) model, formally adopted in 2009, is respectful of and responsive to patient and family preferences, needs, and values. PFCC recognizes that the delivery of healthcare is a collaborative partnership among patients, families, and caregivers.
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2010 –  TBRHSC welcomes Andrée Robichaud as President and CEO

Andrée Robichaud embraced the challenge of crafting and implementing a new Strategic Plan, encouraging engagement and consensus among our partners as we build the framework to successfully provide for the healthcare needs of the residents of Northwestern Ontario.
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2011 –  Centre for Complex Diabetes Care Opens

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, St. Joseph’s Care Group, and Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre partnered to launch the Centre for Complex Diabetes Care, providing a single point of access to specialized interprofessional teams using a coordinated approach to...
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2012 –  Greater Focus on Aboriginal Health

TBRHSC’s Aboriginal Advisory Committee grew to 25 members, including representatives of Aboriginal organizations in Northwestern Ontario, patient and family advisors and leaders from TBRHSC. The Committee acts in an advisory capacity with the main purpose of...
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2013 – Smoke-Free Grounds Re-Commitment

As a leader in health promotion in Northwestern Ontario, TBRHSC joined an ever-growing number of hospitals that recognize the positive role that providing a smoke-free environment can play in their communities and that implementing smoke-free grounds is an important part in...
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Building a Healthy Future

We look forward to seeing what the next 10 years will bring in terms of advances in patient and family centred care and research at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. Judging from the past 10 years, we are confident that healthcare in Northwestern Ontario has a very bright future.