Help us build a healthy future!

Share Your Story

Anniversaries are the perfect occasion to reminisce about years gone by. If you would like to share your fondest TBRHSC memory, please send your name, contact information and favourite moment from the past 10 years to

We may contact you to tell your story as part of our 10th anniversary celebrations.

Become a Volunteer

At Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, we are extremely proud of our compassionate and dedicated volunteers who take time out of their busy lives to help our patients, families, visitors and staff. All of our volunteers enhance TBRHSC’s patient and family centred care as administrative, clinic, patient care, greeting or retail support.

If you would like more information about applying to become a volunteer, e-mail

Become a Patient and Family Advisor

Patient Family Advisors share their valuable insights and share first-hand knowledge of how services impact patients to help shape the care and services that people receive at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.

If you have experienced care at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre in the past two years and would like to help improve patients’ experiences, contact the Patient and Family Centred Care Lead at (807) 684-PFCC (684-7322) or e-mail

Make an Impact through Donations

The milestones of the past 10 years at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre would not have been possible without the generosity of the people of Northwestern Ontario. Your donation to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation will help us build a healthy future.

To donate, contact the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation:

Phone: 1 (807) 345-4673
Toll Free: 1 (877) 696-7223